April 3, 2014

FECC Newsletter 2014-3

(under responsibility department PR and Promotion)


President’s message

The Carnival returns to Limassol and the king this year is "Memorandum the Great"! --- As always the Limassol carnival starts on Shrove Thursday February 20th and culminates with the Grand Parade on the 2nd of March.Just 5 weeks away we have our 34th FECC Convention in Limassol (Cyprus). Limassol is the carnival soul of Cyprus. You feel the palpitation of carnival in every street and every square.

I was there during the carnival together with our vice president Dr.David Brandao and visited several carnival balls in the varioushotels. The Mayor Andreas Christou was our host together with the King Carnival Dimis Mavropoulos and the Carnival Queen Hermoula Stylianidou, both were real inspirationof the carnival spirit. Dimis is the owner of the famous automobile museum.

Interesting is the fact that Limassol has a Murga-tradition (serenades) likewise with Montevideo(Uruguay) and Cadiz (Spain).

Due to  the visit of a delegation of Montevideo I hope that this will be a start ofpartnership.

David and myself visited the catholic Saint Catherine church on the Jerusalem Avenue, thepriests are willing to host our commemorative service. At this moment we have passed the hundredth registration. We are now with 18 countries and under theparticipants are 5 mayors.

If you have not registered yet, please contact Smart Events in Limassol email: smartevents@cytanet.com.cy .logo-limassol

Ueber 5 Wochen haben wir unser 34.FECC Treffen in Limassol (Zypern). Die Stadt Limassolist das Karnevalsherz von Zypern. Du erfahrst den pulsierenden  Herzschlag durch jede Strasse und Platz. Waehrend des Karnevals war ich zusammen mit unseren Vizepraesident Dr.David Brandao. Wir besuchtenverschiedenen Maskenballs in den wichtigen  Hotels. Der Oberburgermeister  Herr Andreas Christou war unseren gastgeber zusammen mit dem Koenig KarnevalDimis Mavropoulos und die Karnevalskoenigin  Hermoula Stylianidou, beiden sind wirklich die Inspirationquelle des Karnevals. Herr Dimis Mavropoulos istden Inhaber/Direktor des beruemten Automuseum. Interessant ist das Limassol wie in Montevideo eine Murga-Tradition (Serenades)  hat. Wegen die Teilnahmeeiner Delegation von Montevideo hoffe ich das dies einen Anfang einer Partnerschaft wird.

 David und Ich haben die katholische Sankt Katherina Kirche besucht an der Jerusalem Avenue,DerPriester ist bereit Gastgeber zu sein unseres  Gedachtnisgottesdienst. Auf diesen Augenblick haben wir schon die 100.Eintragung passiert, und sind jetztmit 18 Laender und worunter 5 Oberburgermeister. Falls Sie noch nicht angemeldet sind koennen Sie Smart Events aus Limassol. Email ; smartevents@cytanet.com.cy

2014 marks a new era of development for Limassol! --- Andreas Christou Mayor of LimassolBinnen 5 weken hebben wij onze 34e FECC conventie in Limassol (Cyprus). Limassol is de ziel van het carnaval op Cyprus. In alle straten en pleinen voel je dehartkloppingen van het carnaval. Ik was in Limassol samen met David Brandao gedurende het carnaval. We bezochten diverse carnavalbals in de vele hotels . Deburgemeester Andreas Christou was onze gastheer samen met de Koning Carnaval Dimis Mavropoulos and de Karnevalskoningin Herma Stylianidou. Beiden zijn  echtecarnaval inspiratiebronnen.

Dimis Mavropoulos is eigenaar van een schitterend automuseum. Interessant is datLimassol dezelfde carnavalstraditie heeft als die van Montevideo, namelijk de Murga (serenades) . Daar de vicepresident van het carnaval van Montevideoaanwezig is hoop ik dat dit een begin is van een partnerschap.

David en ik bezochten de katholieke St.Catherina kerk aan de Jerusalem Boulevard. Depriesters zijn bereid onze herdenkingsdienst te verzorgen.Op dit moment hebben wij de 100 aanmeldingen gepasseerd. Onder de deelnemers zijn 5 burgemeesters.Indien U zich nog niet gemeld hebt, kunt u dit alsnog doen bij smartevents@cytanet.com.cy.



TOP TEN CARNEVALE IN ITALY: "The town of Tricarico is home to one of the best-preserved medieval historical centres in Lucania, which provides a magical setting for carnival celebrations. Yet what makes carnival in Tricarico unique is the strange costumes the locals wear. Masked participants dress as cattle and carry cowbells: those representing cows dress in a white costume with rainbow-coloured ribbons, while those pretending to be bulls dress in a black outfit with red ribbons." -  italymagazine.com/featured-story/top-ten-italian-carnivals-2013
TOP TEN CARNEVALE IN ITALY: “The town of Tricarico is home to one of the best-preserved medieval historical centres in Lucania, which provides a magical setting for carnival celebrations. Yet what makes carnival in Tricarico unique is the strange costumes the locals wear. Masked participants dress as cattle and carry cowbells: those representing cows dress in a white costume with rainbow-coloured ribbons, while those pretending to be bulls dress in a black outfit with red ribbons.” – italymagazine.com/featured-story/top-ten-italian-carnivals-2013


For the second time the little south Italian city Tricarico celebrates her Carnival tradition in April, This year there will be a conference on 24th April 2014 and on 26th April will be a TV program/documentary and the parade. For information Mr.Rocco Stasi email;        rocco.stasi@tin.it

Fuer der 2.Mal organisiert der Karnevalsauschuss von dem Sued  Italianischen Staedtchen Tricarico ihr Karnevalsbrauchtum in April. Dieses Jahr wird eine Konferenz stattfinden am 24.April und am 26.April finder den Karnevalumzug statt. Fur Auskuenfte Herr Rocco Stasi ,Email ; rocco.stasi@tin.it

Voor de 2e maal organiseert het zuiditaliaanse stadje Tricarico in  April haarcarnaval. Dit jaar wordt op 24 april a.s. een conference georganiseerd. Op 26 april a.s. wordt een TV interview , een documentaire en de carnavalsoptocht



May Day is used to schedule the first day of the Carnival is dedicated to Abrum (public call to participation in the Carnival) and thematic evenings organized in the cafés in the Old Town. A large carnival parade will be held on the second day of the Carnival and will be followed by entertainment program and concerts at several sites inside and outside the Old Town. A small carnival parade and rich cultural-entertainment program for children will be organized on the last day of the Carnival. Expect Carnival groups from 12 countries with about 2,500 participants join Budva’s “Festadjuni” in large international procession. Small children’s  international procession including over 1.100 children from 5 countries will represent themselves. This is the first of the 10 festivals during the year along the Budva Riviera
May Day is used to schedule the first day of the Carnival is dedicated to Abrum (public call to participation in the Carnival) and thematic evenings organized in the cafés in the Old Town. A large carnival parade will be held on the second day of the Carnival and will be followed by entertainment program and concerts at several sites inside and outside the Old Town. A small carnival parade and rich cultural-entertainment program for children will be organized on the last day of the Carnival. Expect Carnival groups from 12 countries with about 2,500 participants join Budva’s “Festadjuni” in large international procession. Small children’s international procession including over 1.100 children from 5 countries will represent themselves. This is the first of the 10 festivals during the year along the Budva Riviera

On 2nd and 3rd May 2014 will take place the 12th International carnival in Budva. The organizers are Festaduni and the Tourist Board of Budva.

Am 2. und 3.Mai 2014 findet der 12.Internationalen Karneval von Budva statt. DieOrganisatoren sind Festaduni Ausschuss und das Verkehramt von Budva

Op 2 en 3 mei a.s. wordt in Budva het 12e Internationale Carnaval gevierd. De organisatie ligt in handen bij Festaduni en de VVV van Budva



On 23rd March the Dutch FECC section has organized her annual assembly. There was a

On a mid-Novemeber Sunday in Amsterdam, St. Nicholas, or Sinterklaas, arrives  about 11:30 am by steamboat from Spain and docks by the Central Train Station across from Sint Nikolaaskerk. Church bells fill the air, as the mayor welcomes the good saint before he mounts his  horse for the big parade. At noon  Sinterklaas accompanied by many Zwarte Pieten, brass bands, beautiful floats, officials in cars, and colorful groups of jesters, cycling clowns, and more. Thousands of pounds of sweets and pepernoten have been put in burlap sacks for the acrobatic Piets to throw to the crowds lining the streets. The parade winds along the Damrak to the Rembrandtplein coming to an end at the Leidesplein.
On a mid-Novemeber Sunday in Amsterdam, St. Nicholas, or Sinterklaas, arrives about 11:30 am by steamboat from Spain and docks by the Central Train Station across from Sint Nikolaaskerk. Church bells fill the air, as the mayor welcomes the good saint before he mounts his horse for the big parade.
At noon Sinterklaas accompanied by many Zwarte Pieten, brass bands, beautiful floats, officials in cars, and colorful groups of jesters, cycling clowns, and more. Thousands of pounds of sweets and pepernoten have been put in burlap sacks for the acrobatic Piets to throw to the crowds lining the streets. The parade winds along the Damrak to the Rembrandtplein coming to an end at the Leidesplein.

board election and the results are as followed . The Dutch delegation for the 34th Convention includes 16 participants. The FECC member Foundation Amsterdam St.Nicholas Center celebrates this year her 50 year jubilee.

Am 23.Marz hat der Niederlaendische Vorstand von FECC Niederlanden eineJahreshauptversammlung organisiert mit einer Vorstandwahl .Das Resultat ist wie folgend .FECC Niederlande ist mit 16 Teilnehmer vertreten Waehrend des 34.FECCTreffen. Das FECC Mitglied Amsterdamer Stiftung Sankt Nikolaus feiert dieses Jahr ihr 50. Jubilaum.

Op de 23e maart j.l. heeft de Nederlandse FECC afdeling haar jaarvergadering gehouden. Er was een bestuursverkiezing met de volgenderesultaten. FECC Nederland is met 16 deelnemers in Cyprus vertegenwoordigd. Het FECC lid Stg.Amsterdamse Sinterklaascentrale viert dit jaar haar 50 jarigbestaan.

National boardmembers :  Wim Verhoek, president/treasurer ( wnverhoek@hetnet..nl )

                                                  Hans Vega, secretary ( vega1@kabelfoon.nl )

                                                  Hyron van Leeuwen

                                                  Nico Rodewijk               

                                                  Marcia Stamper, Caribbean affairs ( Marcia.stamper@hotmail.com )




The 2nd annual Rakovic International Carnival follows the great debut in 2013 when 36 carnival groups from the country and the region took part in the carnival, thanks to which the municipality of Rakovica joined the Federation of European Carnival Cities (FECC). Groups from Slovenian municipality Ptuj, Croatian municipality Ludbreg and Strumica in Macedonia visited Belgrade. Carnival groups from Serbian towns Leskovac, Vrnjacka Banja, Sabac and Pozarevac also took part, as well as representatives of Association for preserving old trades and skills “White Eagles” http://www.thebalkansdaily.com/street-carnival-held-in-belgrade/
The 2nd annual Rakovic International Carnival follows the great debut in 2013 when 36 carnival groups from the country and the region took part in the carnival, thanks to which the municipality of Rakovica joined the Federation of European Carnival Cities (FECC). Groups from Slovenian municipality Ptuj, Croatian municipality Ludbreg and Strumica in Macedonia visited Belgrade. Carnival groups from Serbian towns Leskovac, Vrnjacka Banja, Sabac and Pozarevac also took part, as well as representatives of Association for preserving old trades and skills “White Eagles”  MORE AT: thebalkansdaily.com/street-carnival-held-in-belgrade/

For the second time the Belgrade suburb RAKOVICA will celebrate a carnival on 5th April a GALA EVENING. Host is the president of the Municipality and on 6th April will be the large carnivalparade. Information ; Snezana Predojevic. Email ; snezana.predojevic@rakovica.rs

Fuer das 2.Mal organisiert die Vorstadt Rakovica (Vorort von Belgrado) den Karneval.Am 5.April 2014 organisiert der Praesident des Stadtsrat ein Gala Fest. Am 6.April findet den Umzug statt. Auskunfte Frau Snezana Predojevic Email ; snezana.predojevic@rakovica.rs

Voor de tweede keer wordt in de voorstad van Belgrado RAKOVICA op 5 april a.s. eenGala avond georganiseerd door de president van de stadsraad.Op 6 april a.s. wordt de grote optocht georganiseerd. Info :  Mevr. Snezana Predojevic .Email ; snezana.predojevic@rakovica.nl

About the Author aphrodite

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