January 19, 2016



Malta is a famous FECC member and the FECC were already 3 times for an convention in Malta (1987, 1995 and 2005). In

City of Nadur -*- Island of Gozo -*- Nation of Malta is the home of the world famous 5-day "spontaneous carnival" and the host of the silver jubilee FECC Convention. The closing ceremony on June 6 2005 featured the dedication of the first Carnaval monument on Malta overlooking the red sand beach of Rambla Bay first made famous by Homer 3000 years ago with his tale of the sea siren Calypso who enchanted the trickster hero Odysseus for 7 years on his 10 journey home from the Trojan War. Mayor Chris Said and FECC President Henry van der Kroon were very pleased by the excellent work done on short notice by the Italian foundry and all the hard working citizens of the biggest little Carnival Capital on the planet--Nadur. The 500 assembled Carnavelescos gave a hearty FECC cheer to the momument which went like this" YASOU YASOU YASOU !!!
City of Nadur -*- Island of Gozo -*- Nation of Malta is the home of the world famous 5-day “spontaneous carnival” and the host of the silver jubilee FECC Convention. The closing ceremony on June 6 2005 featured the dedication of the first Carnaval monument on Malta overlooking the red sand beach of Rambla Bay first made famous by Homer 3000 years ago with his tale of the sea siren Calypso who enchanted the trickster hero Odysseus for 7 years on his 10 journey home from the Trojan War. Mayor Chris Said and FECC President Henry van der Kroon were very pleased by the excellent work done on short notice by the Italian foundry and all the hard working citizens of the biggest little Carnival Capital on the planet–Nadur. The 500 assembled Carnavelescos gave a hearty FECC cheer to the monument which went like this” YASOU YASOU YASOU !!!

2017 the Lord Mayor of Valletta has invite us again for an international FECC convention. Despite that Malta is a small nation there were already 4 times a Maltese elected as international board member. There are 3 important carnivals in Malta and Gozo (Valletta, Nadur and Victoria). The carnival season 2016 is from 2nd until 9th Februari 2016.

Malta ist ein wichtiges FECC Mitglied und die FECC hat 3 Mal ein FECC Treffen in Malta (1987, 1995 und 2005). In 2017 der Oberbuergermeister von Valletta hat uns fuer das 4.Mal ingeladen fuer ein FECC Treffen. Trotz das Malta eine kleine Nation ist , sind 4 Mal ein Malteser gewaehlt worden wie Mitglied des internationales Vorstand. Es gibt dort 3 wichtigen Karnevallen in Malta und Gozo (Valletta, Nadur und Victoria). Die Karnevalssaison 2916 ist von 2. bis 9.Februar 2016.

Malta is een belangrijk FECC-lid en ook dat de FECC al weer 3 maal voor een internationale conventie in Malta was (1987, 1995 en 2005). In 2017 heeft de burgemeester van Valletta ons uitgenodigd voor een internationale FECC conventie. Ondanks dat Malta een klein land is zijn 4 maal een Maltees gekozen tot internationaal beastuurslid. In Malta en Gozo zijn 3 bedlangrijke carnavalssteden n.l. Valletta, Nadur en Victoia. Het carnavalsseizoen 2016 wordt in Malta gevierd van 2 tot 9 februaeri 2016.

National board of FECC Malta :


SPAIN (Espagña)
Spain has a long carnival tradition. In many cities there are carnivals .The main carnivals are on the Canarian Islands, Bajadoz, Cartagena, Cadiz etc. In the month January there is the election of the Queen Carnival. The main carnival parades are in the weekend 6-9th Februay 2016. On ash Wednesday there is the famous parade of the funeral of the sardine.

The Cartagena Carnival 2016, which runs January 30, 2016 till February 9, begins much earlier with its own cartel or poster. The responsibility this year fell on Jose Alberto Jimenez, an architect who was inspired by the concept of how Dreams are manifested at Carnival.
The Cartagena Carnival 2016, which runs January 30, 2016 till February 9, begins much earlier with its own cartel or poster. The responsibility this year fell on Jose Alberto Jimenez, an architect who was inspired by the concept of how Dreams are manifested at Carnival.

Spanien hat eine lange Karnevalstradition. In viele Staedte gibt’s Karneval. Die wichtigsten Karnevals sind auf die Kanarischen Inseln, Bajadoz, Cadiz u.s.ws. In dem Monat Januar sind ueberall die Wahlen der Queen Karneval. Die wichtigsten KarnevalzsUmzuege  sind am 6.bis 9.Februar 2016. Am Aschermitwoch ist den beruehmten beerdigung der Sardine.

Spanje heeft een lange carnavalstraditie. In veel steden wordt er carnaval gevierd. De belangrijkste carnavals zijn op de Canarische eilanden Bajadoz, Cartagena, Cadiz enz. In de maand januari wordt overal de verkiezingen van de Queen Carnaval gevierd. De belangrijkste carnavalsoptochten vinden plaats tussen 6-9 februari a.s. Op Aswoensdag wordt de beroemde begrafenis van het sarientje gevierd.

National representative :



Macedonia is a FECC member since 1993. The largest carnivaltown Strumiga joined the FECC in 1994. We consider the carnival of Vevchani as the eldest carnival in Europe. In the last 15 years the carnival of Strumiga is considered as the

Strumica Macedonia at the 2012 Opening Ceremonies for the World Carnival Cities Summit held at Prilep Macedonia in 2012 <pre at https://carnivalcities.org/blog/category/macedonia/
Strumica Macedonia at the 2012 Opening Ceremonies for the World Carnival Cities Summit held at Prilep Macedonia in 2012. More at https://carnivalcities.org/blog/category/macedonia/

largest one in MACEDONIA. Other Macedonian carnavals are Prilep, Kavadarci, Berona etc. In 1998 the FECC convention was in Strumiga and in 2012 we were in Prilep.

Mazedonien is FECC Mitglied seit 1993. Die groeste Karnevalsstadt Strumiga hat sich angemeldet in 1994.Wir betrachten den Karnaval von Vevchani wie den aeldesten Karneval in Europa. In den letzeten 15 Jahren iast den Karneval on Strumiga den beruehmsten von Mazedonien. Andere Karnevalsstaedte sind Prilep, Kavadarci und Berona u.s.w. In 1998 waren wir in Strumiga und die 32.FECC Treffen war in Prilep.   

Macedonië is sinds 1993 een FECC lid. De grootste carnavalsstad Strumiga sloot zich bij de FECC aan in 1994. We beschouwen Vevchani als het oudste carnaval van  Europa. In de laatste 15 jaar wordt het carnaval van Strumiga als ded grootste van Macedonia beschouwd. Andere Macedonische carnavalssteden zijn Prilep, Kavadarci, Bserona enz. In 1998 waren wij voor de 18e FECC conventie in Strumiga en in 2012 in Prilep voor xd 32e FECC conventie.

National presentation


SWEDEN (Sverige)

Sweden is one of the eldest members. St.Olaf Samba Group from Sigtuna became the First member in 1989. Norrkoping became the second city.Nowadays Gotenborg and Landskrona are FECC MEMBERS

Schweden ist  ein altes Mitglied. St.Olaf Samba Verein aus Siguna werden das erste Mitgied in 1989. Norrkoping wurde das 2. Mitglied.Heute sind Goteborg und Landskrona FECC Mirtglieder.

Zweden is een oud FECC-lid. De Samba groep St.Olaf uit Sigtuna werd het eerste lid in 1989. Norrkoping werd de tweede Zweedse stad. Momenteel zijn de steden Gotebrog en Landskrona FECC-lid.

National presentation:

About the Author silenus

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