June 2, 2017

Digital FECC Newsletter 2017-3

(under responsibility of PR department)

 President’s message

Dear friends, chèr amis, liebe Freunden,

It is short after the first FECC digital newsletter 2017, but so many events happen in this summer that I decided to make a second newsletter as well. F, rther I did receive many positive reactions concerning the Maltese convention, especially the hotel accomodation in the Seashells Resort at St.Paul’s Bay. The temperature in the evenings were a little cool, but it was a real event. I look forward to meet you in Sabac (Serbia) where the 38th FECC convention will take place .

 Es ist sehr kurzfristig nach dem erste FECC newsletter 2017, aber es passieren so viele Ereignissen dieses Sommer das Ich beschlossen habe ein 2. FECC  Newsletter zu publizieren. Weiterhin habe Ich so viele Reaktionen empfangen über den Erfolg des Maltesisches FECC Treffen, speziell über die Hotelakkomodation in Seashells Resort am St.Paul’s Bay. Leider war das Wetter am Abends ein bisschen kalt. Ich erwarte vielen FECC Mitglieder in Sabac (Serbien) während des 38.Treffen in 2018.

 Het is wel  erg kort na de uitgave van de eerste FECC digitale newsletter 2017-1, maar er gebeuren zoveel activiteiten in deze zomer dat ik besloten heb een tweede newsletter te publiceren. Ook heb ik vele positieve reacties over de Maltese FECC conventie ontvangen, speciaal over de hotelaccomodatie in Seashells Resort te St.Paul’s Bay .Helaas warewn de nachten wat aan  koude kant. Tenslotte verwacht ik veel FECC leden in Sabac (Serviën) gedurende de 38e Conventie.

The Netherlands

In the weekend of 28th and 29th July there will take place the famous Rotterdam Caribbean Sommercarnival. The organizers and municipality of Rotterdam expect about 1 million guests. Within the Dutch FECC section Ms.Marcia Stamper , Miquil and Rossini van Wijk are very busy.For more info you can reach  info@zomercarnaval.nl (Karel Willems)  or marciastamper@hotmail.com

 Am Wochenende von 28. und 29. Juli findet der berühmte Rotterdamer Sommerkarneval statt. Die Organisation und Stadtverwaltung erwartet etwa wie 1 Million Besucher. Innerhalb die Niederländische FECC Sektion sind Frau Marcia Stamper, Miquil and Rossini van Wijk sehr beschäftigt. Für Auskünfteinfo@zomercarnaval.nl  (Karel Willems) oder marciastamper@hotmail.com

Gedurende het weekeinde van 28 en 29 juli a.s. vindt het beroemde Rotterdamse Caribisch zomercarnaval plaats. De organisatren en het stadsbestuur uit Rotterdam evrwachten ongeveen 1 miljoen bezoekers. Binnen de Naederlandse FECC sektie zijn Marcia Stamper, Miquil en Rossini van Wiujk zeer druk bezig. Voor inlichtingen kunt U info@zomercarnaval.nl (Karel Willems)  ofmarciastamper@hotmail.co benaderen.



In Italy there are many summer carnivals in the months July and August like ;

  • FANO on the 4th August next with the”La Notte Rosa del Carnevale” info : www.carnevaledifano.com
  • PUTIGNANO (with the famous Mascot FARINELLA)on 11-13th July. Info; info@carnevalediputignano.it
  • CHRISPIANO  Carnival with Feste Patronale della Madonna della libera. 11-18th July 2017

Mr.Luigi d’Argostoli was 55 years involved in the Veronese Carnival and passed away last week.

 In Italien sind viele Sommerkarnevallen in den Monaten Juli und August wie ; FANO AM 4.August 2017 mit dem “La Notte Rosa del Carnevale” info : www.carnevaledifano.com PUTIGNANO (mit dem berühmte Maskottchen FARINELLA) am 11.-13.Juli. Info; info@carnevalediputignano.it CHRISPIANO Karneval mit Festa Patronale della Madonna della Libera von 11. Bis 18. Juli 2017 Herr Luigi d’Argostoli  war 55 Jahren beteiligt im Verona Karneval und ist die letzte Woche gestorben.

 In Italië zijn veel zomercarnavals in de maanden Juli en Augustus zoals ; FANO op 4 augustus a.s.met de “La Notte Rosa del Carnevale”. Info : www.carnevaledifano.com PUTIGNANO met zijn beroemde mascotte FARINELLA viert het zomercarnaval op 11-13 juli a.s. info :info@carnevalediputignano.it CHRISPIANO Carnaval met het patroonsfeest van Madonna della libera van 11 ot 18 juli a.s. De Heer Luigi d’Argostoli was 55 jaar betrokken geweest bij het VERONA carnaval en is vorige week gestorven.


Carnival event IDENTIDADES
to be held in
Fonni-Sardinia on 4, 5, 6 
August , 2017

The conference Invitation from one FECC Carnival City from FONNI, the FECC Carnival City at highest center of Sardinia Fonni is a small town of about 4000 souls, lying on the northern slopes of Gennargentu, at an altitude of 1,000 meters

Organizer Professor Rita Porcu as an archaeologist and anthropologist takes a special interest in the variety of masking and hopes to tell others about her local Carnivale tradition and history in conferences throughout Europe.
The Professor also hopes that  Fonni, as a City of Carnival, will someday host a Fecc Convention with help from others to salute the magnificent tradition that is Carnival.

Since 2011, Fonni is part of the Carnival Circuit of the European Carnival Cities Federation participating in such important international shows such as Slovenia, Denmark, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, and Viareggio recognized with two of the “Best Performance and Ethnicity” Prizes from appearances in Serbia and Macedonia

Friday, 4 August, morning and evening there will be the Conference
Saturday, 5 August, morning meeting, in the afternoon parade of masked groups
Sunday 6 August palio traditional equestrian fonnese
Dr. Rita hopes to have at  least three FECC groups participate. Please contact the organizer directly.
Dott.ssa Maria Rita Porcu
About the Author silenus

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